Welcome to my signature program called BeYourself! Based on my personal needs and with you in mind, the program was created over the last two years. And I am happy to finally share it with you!

So what is the program about? It is designed for people who want to get their “dream body” but have never made it to their goal weight. This is not about losing 5kg; it could be done too, but it addresses people who would like to lose more. And have struggled over the years to keep the weight off– the so-called lifetime yo-yo dieter. The program is not about medical weight loss; it is for people who are unhappy in their skin and want to change their appearance whilst improving their health.

So why did I create this program? Well, it is my life story, and even as the Founder & Owner of Private DetoxBox and a nutritionist myself, I have struggled all my life with my weight as I used to have an eating disorder, which led to body dysmorphia over the years. I have tried every diet on this planet and can say without pride that I have lost cumulatively over 150 kg during my weight loss ‚career‘ (a combination of my eating disorder & gain due to former medical issues). Yes, you heard me right! My work and the coaching of clients over the years made me see patterns in people; however, even though I successfully helped hundreds of clients lose weight, I could not make it work for myself in the long term. But today, I can finally say I made it. After 30 years of struggle, I finally overcame my eating disorder, and I am at my natural happy weight (the one I always wanted to be) for the first time in my life! As I lost these nasty final 17 kg in literally no time & no effort, which was always my deal breaker to my happiness! As you can see in my before and now picture (guess I have to give you a better close-up soon), there is a tremendous.

Even though my work taught me a long time ago that an eating disorder, which is yo-yo dieting, is mainly mental. I knew it was a thing that is primarily addressed in therapy. However, this approach only works for some people and differs from everyone’s preference. So, without knowing it, I dug into the mental approach to lose weight over the last two years. At that point I was not even into losing weight as I kind of gave up and believed I could never reach my happy weight. Plus, as I was a bit tired of the healthy food industry, I looked into mental balance for athletes and called it a winning mindset. As I coached some tour golf pros, our work became more overall mental coaching than just nutritional support. This led me to research the law of belief: you are what you think, actually believe you are. This theory is also known as spin-off of the law of attraction. However, it goes beyond the law of attraction as it’s not linked to spirituality. It is known to be applied by well-known public people like Oprah Winfrey, Matthew McConaughey, and Conor McGregor, just to name a few. So, without understanding it, I combined my nutritional knowledge with the law of belief, which was my key to success.

The program will go beyond a traditional diet, though there is a part of it in it. It re-programs your mindset about food and how you see yourself concerning weight loss and body positivity. We will tackle this by resetting your mindset and changing old patterns and beliefs so that you have a completely new story about yourself. It will also tackle some hidden emotional wounds and triggers as it will help you to see yourself wholly new & happy. As for yo-yo dieters, losing weight isn’t about a diet (that is only the physical part of it). It is about unblocking emotional blocks that stop you from being at your happy weight.
This is a complete reset, and I expect the client to be open and willing to overcome old patterns to be ready to share their life story openly. This is not a program that replaces therapy or diet. No, it is made for people who have tried it all and are ready to go an unconventional way while being prepared to address some of the emotional stops that led them to an eating disorder in the first place.

This program is time-consuming and requires some serious commitment from your side, but I will be with you all along. It is a commitment for at least a month so that you have the right tools to get started on your journey. It includes:

  • Personal assessment test (taken online before the first call)
  • Introduction course to the law of belief (that you understand the theory)
  • 1 x 1-hour assessment/initiation call
  • 4 x 30-minute progress calls
  • Unlimited direct message support with me
  • Personalized daily schedule
  • Personalized diet strategy that fits your lifestyle
  • Tailored night & day recordings to reset your thoughts

Monthly coaching starts at CHF 3000.-.For clients enrolling in January the launch price will be CHF 2500.- If you would like to follow one of our boxes during the coaching, it will be charged separately with a 20% rebate. The program communication will be in English; however, calls can also be made in German.
As this program is very intense, I will only take three people per month. If you are ready to change your life in 2024 and see yourself as a matching candidate, please contact us for a booking and more information below.

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