How To Boost Your Immune System?
Our immune system plays a vital role in keeping our body healthy and safe from the risks of disease lingering in our environment. Every one of us is at risk of catching a cold, flu, or other viruses due to frequent contact with the outside world. You can boost your immune system by taking care of your health and by taking necessary precautions.
In addition to that, some people may feel lost from all the information about boosting their immune system, and though it may appear to be a no-brainer, increasing your immune system is far more complicated than you might imagine. Here are some lifestyle hacks on how to boosts your immune system.
How Does Our Immune System Works?
Our immune system is activated when the body comes into touch with foreign material or antigen. The body goes through several steps when antigens bind to specific receptors on immune system cells.
Furthermore, when the body encounters a disease-causing germ for the first time, the immune system’s cells typically store information about the germ to identify ways to combat it. As a result, if the body comes into contact with the same virus again, the system will recognize it and fight it more efficiently.
Tips To Boost Our Immune System
A healthy lifestyle helps to maintain and promote a healthy immune system. Despite its complexity, you may focus on everyday lifestyle practices to give your immune system the tools it needs to combat an infection or illness. Here are some of the best tips you can incorporate to boost your immune system.
Regular Exercise
Exercising has been shown to help boost not only our immune system but our overall well-being. Moderate exercise can help the immune system work more efficiently by allowing antibodies and white blood cells to circulate more quickly. It also helps to reduce the number of stress hormones in the body.
Furthermore, physical activity isn’t just for toning muscles and de-stressing; it’s also essential for staying healthy and sustaining a robust immune system. Exercise can help your immune system improve your overall circulation, making it easier for immune cells and other infection-fighting compounds to move through your body.
Eat Healthy Foods
A healthy diet, like most aspects of your body, is essential for a robust immune system. It involves getting lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats into your diet. A nutritious diet can help guarantee you’re getting enough of the micronutrients that play a part in keeping your immune system healthy, in addition to giving it the energy it requires.
Get Enough Sleep
Even if you don’t realize it, your body is busy when you’re sleeping. Sleep and immunity are intrinsically tied. A lack of or poor quality of sleep has been related to an increased risk of illness.
Getting enough sleep might help to boost your natural immunity. When you’re unwell, you may need to sleep more to help your immune system combat the condition. Manage stress, limit smartphone and gadget use before bed, and stick to a nighttime routine to get enough sleep.
Stay Hydrated
Water serves a variety of functions in the body, including immune system support. Lymph, a fluid in your circulatory system that transports essential infection-fighting immune cells across your body, is mostly water. Dehydration causes lymph to travel more slowly, which can contribute to immune system problems. Even if you aren’t exercising or sweating, you continuously lose water through your breath, urine, and bowel motions.
Manage Stress
It’s critical to understand how stress impacts your health, especially its influence on your immune system, whether it comes on suddenly or gradually. When your body is under stress, especially chronic stress that is frequent and long-lasting, it responds by triggering a stress response. As a result of this stress response, your immune system is suppressed, increasing your risk of infection or sickness.
It’s critical to understand how to recognize stress because of the negative impact on your health. You should also become familiar with the practices that assist you in alleviating stress, whether it’s deep breathing, meditation, prayer, or exercise.
Quit Smoking
The chemicals generated by cigarette smoke, such as carbon monoxide, nicotine, nitrogen oxides, and cadmium, may interfere with the activities and proliferation of immune cells, reducing immunity. Smoking, according to experts, can exacerbate viral and bacterial diseases, particularly those of the lungs.
Try Meditation
Even five minutes of guided meditation every day or simply sitting quietly and concentrating on your breath can help. Meditation relieves anxiety and lowers heart rate and blood pressure, and it’s also relaxing. It’s no surprise, then, that it also aids sleep. According to new research, mindfulness meditation has health and performance benefits, including increased immunological function, lower blood pressure, and improved cognitive function.
Avoid Drinking Alcoholic Beverages
Let’s face it, drinking alcohol is part of some people’s lives. However, too much can deplete your defenses and make you sick more frequently. The normal immune system function is reduced while the body strives to cleanse itself from excessive alcohol consumption. Avoid or restrict alcohol consumption to 1 to 2 drinks per day wherever possible.
Drink Some Green Tea
Green tea has low caffeine content. Therefore it can be used as a caffeine-free alternative to black tea or coffee. It improves the immune system’s function by protecting it from oxidants and radicals. Green tea has been known for its antiviral qualities for a long time. Tea affects the structure of the virus, reducing the virus’s ability to cause infection.
Furthermore, EGCG can adhere to the flu virus’s cell membrane. EGCG binds to hemagglutinin, a glycoprotein on the flu virus that prevents the virus from infecting other cells. As a result, green tea is a powerful weapon against the flu, and it can also aid in a speedy recovery.
Limit Your Sugar Intake
Sugar intake surges have been found in studies to depress the immune system. You are more prone to become ill if your immune system is weakened. You may be lowering your body’s ability to ward against disease if you consume many meals and beverages high in sugar or refined carbs, which the body processes as sugar.
When it comes to boosting your immune system, what’s most important is the quality of life. You can’t make any progress in your immune system if you don’t adopt changes in your lifestyle. Feel free to follow these tips above.