These Are The Nutrients You Should Eat When Stressed
We all know that being stress is part of life. It happens to all of us at one point or another, whether it’s getting reprimanded by your boss or getting a project back from your professor. The uncomfortable undercurrent of stress is what makes it an unpleasant experience, but that doesn’t mean we should avoid the feeling.
When stress levels are high, we need to eat healthy food so that our bodies can function properly and give us the required energy to keep us going through tough times. However, most people don’t know what foods to eat when they’re stressed. If you are still baffled by what foods to eat, here are some of the needed nutrients you should consume when experiencing stress.
The first thing that scientists have discovered about when a person is stressed is that they eat more. When they are stressed, they tend to consume quantities of food that are generally not consumed, making their bodies need even more nutrients. Of course, protein is one of the primary things that a person needs when they are stressed. Protein builds up muscle and helps you recover faster after stressful times, but it can also provide energy for the body to help you work through your stress.
One of the most important things used by your body for good functioning is magnesium. It helps with relaxation since it’s involved in many chemical reactions throughout your body. It also helps with ease, but it can help with the stress in organs such as the heart or even in your brain. A good amount of magnesium is needed when a person is stressed because when you’re stressed, your muscles tend to contract more and not relax correctly.
When a person is stressed, their levels of magnesium decrease, and this can cause muscle spasms. However, various foods are high in magnesium that stressed people could consume without having too much of a chance for side effects. These include avocados, spinach, and pumpkin seeds.
Vitamin D
Stress can also trigger the body’s immune system, which may be triggered by certain types of stress, such as colds or allergies. It can also cause your immune system to be weakened, even if you don’t have common triggers such as the cold. The immune system needs vitamin D, which helps it fight off infections and other viruses that can cause stress. Vitamin D is essential when you’re stressed because vitamin D assists with blood clotting.
B- Complex Vitamins
These vitamins, also known as B vitamins, were discovered in the 20th century. They are vital for many functions within the body, such as energy production, metabolism, and maintenance of central nervous system health. Although B vitamins have various functions, they are known primarily because they promote good mental health throughout your lifetime. Foods that are high in B vitamins include wheat germ, tuna, and salmon.
Vitamin C
Another essential vitamin when you’re stressed is vitamin C. It is an antioxidant, which means it cleans up toxins in your body, such as free radicals found to contribute to stress. When someone is stressed, their levels of Vitamin C tend to decrease, and they need to consume more foods with Vitamin C to prevent health issues from eating away at them. Foods that are high in Vitamin C include oranges and red peppers.
Calcium is also another nutrient that is essential for a person’s body when they are stressed. Calcium is necessary because of its ability to keep bones strong and because it assists the muscles in relaxing. The intake is vital in reducing stress levels and preventing a person from becoming tense and irritable. Foods high in calcium include yogurt and soy milk, which most people can consume without any side effects.
It is also recommended that a person have vitamins E and iron in their diet when stressed. Vitamin E is an antioxidant similar to Vitamin C, but it performs functions inside the body where vitamin C doesn’t reach. Iron is required for people who have iron deficiencies because they usually become exhausted and lose energy when they’re stressed out. Iron can also create a sense of calm in your body because of its ability to give your body more energy while resisting fatigue better than coffee or caffeinated drinks.
Epsom Salt
Epsom salt is another mineral that needs to be consumed by a person who is stressed. It has many uses outside the body, such as relieving muscle tension, but it can also help your body in stressful times. When a person’s body is stressed out, many of their muscles tend to contract and may have trouble relaxing.
Furthermore, it can help relax your muscles and keep you from contracting them again when you are stressed out. It can also help with back pain because it soaks into muscle groups that hurt when they’re cramped up while sleeping due to stress.
Serotonin is sometimes referred to as a “feel good molecule” because it promotes good feelings. It is another nutrient essential for stress relief because it helps with serotonin, which helps relax your body. It also helps with melatonin production, which helps keep your body balanced by keeping your sleep cycle regulated, so you don’t wake up tired and without energy.
A person who is stressed also needs the amino acid called L-theanine. It helps with dopamine production just like other foods mentioned above, but it has been discovered to have different uses. It is commonly used to help treat some symptoms of sleeplessness, such as anxiety and panic attacks. Furthermore, it has also been used for treating some symptoms of depression in the elderly.
Furthermore, L-theanine can help you fall asleep easier at night, and it can also relax your muscles when you need it. However, L-theanine can have some side effects, such as a tingling sensation or mild headaches.
In addition to receiving all of these nutrients from food, it is also esseialThere are numerous other nutrients that you need when you’re stressed out, but these are among the most important ones. By consuming foods with these nutrients, you can lower the stress you feel and start feeling relaxed again. In addition to receiving all of these nutrients from food, it is also essential to consult your doctor and have blood tests done regularly to ensure your health and wellbeing.